Saturday, November 19, 2011

strange night, strange morning

Ever since I can remember, I've had strange, bizarre, sometimes disturbing dreams. I can still remember some dreams I had when I was in kindergarten! Lately, I've been sleeping pretty soundly, and have trouble discerning between what I dreamed and what is real. Just unimportant stuff, not "oh look, there's a unicorn, did i dream that or is it real?" More like, hubby asks me if I fed the dog and I can't remember if I did, or dreamed about feeding the dog!

Last night, hubby went to bed fairly early, as he had to work in the AM. I stayed up for awhile reading online, and sipped a glass of wine. It was pretty chilly in our house last night, I had on PJs, and a soft comfy hoodie on as well. I left the hoodie on as I climbed over the dog and into bed, thinking I'd take it off later after I'd warmed up. We have micro-fleece sheets on our bed, as well as an electric blanket. I soon realized that I was laying on top of the sheets, but i was too lazy/comfy to get up and fix that, and didn't want to wake hubby.

Later, I'm awakened by hubby, who has a cramp in his leg and is hollering and cursing. It's very dark in our room. We have one of those atomic clocks that adjusts itself with the national weather thingy in CO. It projects the time and outdoor temperature onto the ceiling. That is a nice cozy thing on a cold night, to see the cold temp, and be grateful to be all snuggly and warm in bed. It felt like the middle of the night, but it said 7:00! I bolted out of bed and went to check another clock. Whew- to my relief, it was only around 12 AM! I was going to adjust the clock, but hubby thought we should leave it alone. I brought my cell phone into the bedroom, so I could check the time later, so hopefully hubby wouldn't be late for work. I couldn't sleep well, and the clock never did correct itself all night long. After hubby left for work, I decided to try to get some sleep. The clock somehow had finally managed to get it's shit back together and show the correct time. I try to get comfortable and relax, take deep breaths, and drift off to sleep.

Then the dreams start. I dreamed that hubby and I took a trip to Louisiana, and only had a few days off work. We went out on a boat several times, ate at seafood restaurants, drank beer, went sight-seeing, etc. There are lots more details, but if you are still reading, you are probably already bored beyond belief! I dreamed about a handicapped girl who was dying. I dreamed about unwelcome guests at our house when we returned from Louisiana. Random, unimportant, silly things. A fork in the road, and I always take the wrong way, or at least not the destination I intended. A pretty, blonde circus performer on a horse. A young man is smitten with her, and orders a pathetic looking fake bouquet of flowers to send to her. A kindly lady takes pity on him, and substitutes the flowers with some nicer, fresh flowers that she was going to send to someone, and orders another bouquet. A dark-haired lady enters the room and starts singing some crazy stuff, but she sings with such emotion it makes me cry.

When I awake, nearly 3 hours have gone by. I look at my cell phone, and check Facebook. Oddly, a couple of FB friends are complaining about internal clocks and not being able to sleep. I scroll down, and see another status that claims we dream even before we leave the womb. Odd, and coincidental. I decide to check my desktop pc, and the wireless mouse's battery has gone dead. Any relevance to the clock? I don't know. This seems like a really boring post, but at one point today i thought it would be interesting!